4 years ago I was mid way through seminary studies and began to really struggle with levels of energy and fatigue. . When I mentioned this to those around me, no one was surprised. . "Your working full time, in school full time, your a busy youth pastor, and a mom of 3. . no wonder your exhausted!" But I knew it was something more. . . The load I was carrying was really no different, busier, or crazier than I had always carried. . I knew that this wasnt just exhaustion, At times I felt that I could hardly function or even take one more step.
My Family doctor explored every possible reason. . He was attentive to a "different" sound in my heart and sent me for an echocardiogram. The Echo revealed that I had an aneurysm on the descending aortic root of my heart. I was referred immediately to a cardiologist. . . The initial measurements were very alarming - placing the aortic root in rupture range - it was deemed very serious. An MRA was ordered to get a more accurate measurement. Thankfully the more accurate measurement placed the aneurysm at just a tenth of a cm outside of seriousness. . .The strategy was then to simply medication therapy to keep my heart rate and blood pressure low to avoid any increased stress on the heart. The goal was to keep the aneurysm stable and monitor it frequently.
Over the past 4 years I have had MRA's and Cardiologist visits every 6 months. With each visit it seemed that the valve murmer would get a bit more noticable. At an appointment 4 months ago the MRA showed the Aneurysm to be stable but the echo showed that the valve leakage had increased and there were now 2 murmers. Since there were no obvious implications of this and all other vitals are still good we just keep watching.
Since that appointment 4 months ago the symptoms have slowly increased. So slowly that I didnt give them much thought but increased to the point of "no denial". . . I was more tired - Could rarely get through a day without a nap. . it was more than just "tired" it was an overall fatique. I began to wonder what might be wrong and didnt even consider it was my heart. . . Shortness of breath was the most indicative of heart issues. . I became very frustrated with my inability to fully participate in so many things. . It increased through the summer to the current reality of hardly able to do a flight of steps, lift a basket of laundry, or even carry groceries from the car without gasping for air. Recently my fingers began to tingle and go numb. I began to get dizzy at times and have issues with balance when standing up.
I called the cardiologists just thinking he might order some kind of test or adjust meds.. . but the blood pressure and the heart rhythms simply point to the fact that it is "Time". Valve replacement here we come.
Dr. Hutchins was very encouraging, stating this is routine and that my age and my health will make it a good thing! We spoke of recovery and time line...
Sooooooo Here we go.
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