Monday, September 14, 2009

OH! The places you will go!

This year I was blessed beyond words to visit Israel as part of a "Pilgrimage for Spiritual Renewal".   I just kept thinking (over and over) I can't believe I'm doing this!!  I could NEVER have imagined such a blessing and would NEVER have had the physical stamina for such a journey.   The vantage point from the Mount of Beatitudes was the perfect place to say thank you - yep - what happened there really did make a difference. . . and STILL does!  Jim was one of our leaders and he too is a survivor. . . there is some special bond among those who have experienced heart surgery and proudly wear "the zipper".   There is a wisdom that comes with "borrowed time" and extended life.   Thank you seems inadequate but sometimes its the best prayer at all.   I was asked to serve communion to my fellow sojourners at "the garden tomb".    He said - - - Every time you do this. . . . REMEMBER. . . . . Oh I pray I never forget.

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