Still Healing. . . much less pain overall, the sternum is still healing, most days I reach a point where the muscles in my chest just ache. .
Still working on Therapeutic levels in the blood. . . Made my first drive to the cardiologists coumadin clinic this past week (post home care). . the level was "pretty close". . . just a minor adjustment in dosage, then back next week for a recheck and a visit with the Nurse practitioner and a stress test.
Speaking of stress test. . .
Still walking. . . almost every day. 3 miles! I missed a day this week because i just felt weak. . . My energy levels come in waves it seems. . .its pretty typical of anyone after major surgery. It is still the most amazing feeling . . this whole experience of getting to be more physically active than I have in years!. . I always walk with the ipod. . its become such a rich time of prayer and worship. .Every day I walk farther, or the inclines seem easier, or the pace is faster. . . I'm so amazed! so grateful! I almost am always weeping by the time I turn the corner and head home.
Still pacing. . . back into 'normal' life. . The first Sunday back to preaching was just about the most amazing blessing ever. . . it was also the longest stretch of activity that I've experienced since the surgery. . up at 6 am, preached 2 services, lots of (very gentle) hugging, Lunch with people I love, a walmart stop and home by 2 pm. . WIPED OUT. . pain meds, jammies on by 3!
I've been surprised at the challenge of just "thinking" - staying concentrated for the work of sermon prep, study, meeting prep, scheduling etc. Those brain cells have been focusing on other things for a while! I drove a few times this past week, short distances and always with the pillow belted in. . certain turns or instances are still a bit painful but its getting easier each time. Hope to take on some longer drives next week. Still will not be able to lift over 5 pounds for over another month!. . . thats even more challenging as the pain lessens. . I find myself reaching for things all the time!
Still in AWE! . . . God is so faithful!
1 comment:
AMEN sista! So glad to hear you are STILL getting better and better. STILL sending prayers your way. Let's do lunch this week! It's fairly light for me this week. We can walk before or after, if you're up for it! Let me know what days work best for you. I know Thursday and Friday are NOT good for me.
Love ya!
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