Feeling better today. Chest X ray was clear, but antibiotics have kicked in. still having some coughing fits that cause pain. No fevers today and feeling stronger. Blood Pressure is great - (like a teenager - said the nurse!) and heart rate strong and healthy. Energy still a bit zapped. Monday and tuesday wiped me out.
Visit with Cariologists assistant today went well. Some blood results back. . .some levels are still a little low - which is not unusual after such major surgery and 3 transfusions. Still a bit anemic. Still have lower immunity tools. I must learn greater and greater patience. . I thought I might be "released". . however there are still a few appointments yet to come. .3 weeks from now with the assistant again. . and then to determine Cardiac Rehab. I'm determined to spend the next 3 weeks surpassing the capabilities of Cardiac Rehab. It would be quite a lot of driving 3 times a week for 6 weeks. IF I can accomplish the goals independently then I can be excused. I'll have a stress test in a few weeks, another followup with the Surgeon, a full exam - appointment with the cardiologist, a process of approval for the home protime monitor, and a training class, and and echo cardiogram in 2 months just to look at the valve and heart flow. Right now the heart is a bit enlarged but this again is very typical after surgery and no cause for alarm. Driving will come very very slowly and cautiously because of the continued healing of the sternum. I'll be hitchin rides for a while. . . good thing there are a few drivers in the house.
While the guys in the house were stepping back into the world of football coaching this evening. . I geared up and walked the indoor track at the school. I did a very solid/strong 35 minutes in a therapeutic target heart range. Felt Awesome. would never even attempted it 5 weeks ago.
Food and I are still trying to work things out. . So much that I liked before does not taste good at all. . This is very common after such a major medical procedure. Sometimes it all comes back to before and sometimes it doesnt - so i'm told. I'm relearning everything and trying different things just to see if it tastes good at all. Lowfat Cottage Cheese was a great snack today but even the peaches were too sweet. I still love shrimp but the batter is too sweet. The only drink I can swallow is water water water and lots of it. A sip of koolaid made me shudder. other things that I cant eat right now because of taste are: sweet bread, cola, cookies, ice cream, any desserts, almost all fruit, cole slaw, sweet salad dressings, ketchup (oh my dear old friend ketchup!, pizza - Some things that I Love right now are: eggs, salads with very little dressing, peanut butter on wheat grain crackers, tuna salad, mmmmm bacon, roast, potatoes, grilled cheese, chicken noodle soup, almonds, sunflower seeds, and plain cheerios.
Just for a point of fascinating heart surgery trivia: We received the Insurance statement for the hospital today. . . The hospital admission alone was almost $84,000. and our insurance paid every penny. All the bills are coming in and our eyes widen when we see the cost. still have no idea what our own bottom line out of pocket might be. . but already the statements have well surpassed $100k. .amazing amazing amazing.
I know that you can't put a price on health, a restored heart, a hopeful future. . . but apparently the health care providers can. . . and it AINT CHEAP!
Thank YOU again and always for your faithful prayer and encouragment!
Peace to you and yours this night!
A shared journey of Friends through surgery to repair an aortic aneurysm and mechanical valve replacement. . .AKA Miracles, blessings, and grace! Here I will share my Heart! Thank you for sharing the journey!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
2 steps forward . . . . 1 step back. . . (or the post asking for more prayer please)
its been a few days of moving forward and stepping back. . . of course thats still progress!
Sunday was the best day ever... I walked a full mile early in the morning before the heat hit. . .we were blessed to share a meal with friends that we miss so much. . .So encouraging! BUT THEN.
I woke monday morning before 5a.m. just "sick". . cold sweat, chills, pain in chest. .then came lots and lots of coughing. . which of course is excruciating with an unhealed sternum. I hadnt needed to take the Heavy Pain Stuff for a few days. . but it was needful for the coughing and to bring the fever down. . . Later morning was more bearable. . a wonderful visit from my dear Heather. A home care visit from someone who had no idea why they were there nor what they were doing. . . confirmed the low grade temp. Through the day and into the night the temp increased into a full on fever. and coughing increased.
ANOTHER home care nurse had to come this morning to do do what the other one didnt and draw some blood. Blood is too thin. she reported to the surgeons office who set a full 5- 6 hours of events in motion. Stat orders of Xray's to rule out pneumonia, blood work to check for infections. . a visit to the primary care physician for a good "once over". . . (who then also ordered more labwork) eventually some prescriptions were ordered although we're still waiting on test results. .
So much is frustrating and hard about health care sometimes. . How someone in pain, and feverish must endure such a confusing system - what deepening empathy for chronically ill and elderly we have. One doctor sent us to another doctor and faxed lab orders. . however, the one doctor doesnt use the lab thats next door, or closest but only 2 in the whole county. The one doctor wrote a prescription but the pharmacy wouldnt fill it until they talked to the other doctor because of interactions. . . the patient couldnt take anything for pain, infection, cough, relief until the labwork was done. We arrived at the lab - several miles from the doctor, the house, the pharmacy at 11:50 only to learn that they are closed for lunch from 11:30 - 1 pm. so we went back to pharmacy to find we still cant pick up meds. . . The other doctor had added some additional lab tests so 2 doctors several lab orders at a lab i'd never been. . . and had to wait an hour and a half to get to meant filling out the same form 3 times, and then registering for the x ray with 3 people who hadnt figured out the new computer system and cursed, and talked about your tests and you in front of you. . . all while you are feeling weaker by the minute. . . It took us another hour and a half just to get blood drawn (2 sticks) and an xray. . . We drove the several miles back to the pharmacy to finally pick up the antibiotic ordered by one doc and approved by another. . . We may not have all the lab results back until tomorrow at this point. but they went ahead and ordered meds to treat as if pneumonia. Just to keep things interesting I already had scheduled an appointment with yet another doctor tomorrow (cardiologist check in)!
So Now. . I'm home, I've taken the antibiotic, the coughmeds, the pain pills, and all sorts of other things, the PJs are waiting and I've got some resting to do. We'll update when we know more.
Here's my hope. . . I'll be resting. . . You be praying.
Sunday was the best day ever... I walked a full mile early in the morning before the heat hit. . .we were blessed to share a meal with friends that we miss so much. . .So encouraging! BUT THEN.
I woke monday morning before 5a.m. just "sick". . cold sweat, chills, pain in chest. .then came lots and lots of coughing. . which of course is excruciating with an unhealed sternum. I hadnt needed to take the Heavy Pain Stuff for a few days. . but it was needful for the coughing and to bring the fever down. . . Later morning was more bearable. . a wonderful visit from my dear Heather. A home care visit from someone who had no idea why they were there nor what they were doing. . . confirmed the low grade temp. Through the day and into the night the temp increased into a full on fever. and coughing increased.
ANOTHER home care nurse had to come this morning to do do what the other one didnt and draw some blood. Blood is too thin. she reported to the surgeons office who set a full 5- 6 hours of events in motion. Stat orders of Xray's to rule out pneumonia, blood work to check for infections. . a visit to the primary care physician for a good "once over". . . (who then also ordered more labwork) eventually some prescriptions were ordered although we're still waiting on test results. .
So much is frustrating and hard about health care sometimes. . How someone in pain, and feverish must endure such a confusing system - what deepening empathy for chronically ill and elderly we have. One doctor sent us to another doctor and faxed lab orders. . however, the one doctor doesnt use the lab thats next door, or closest but only 2 in the whole county. The one doctor wrote a prescription but the pharmacy wouldnt fill it until they talked to the other doctor because of interactions. . . the patient couldnt take anything for pain, infection, cough, relief until the labwork was done. We arrived at the lab - several miles from the doctor, the house, the pharmacy at 11:50 only to learn that they are closed for lunch from 11:30 - 1 pm. so we went back to pharmacy to find we still cant pick up meds. . . The other doctor had added some additional lab tests so 2 doctors several lab orders at a lab i'd never been. . . and had to wait an hour and a half to get to meant filling out the same form 3 times, and then registering for the x ray with 3 people who hadnt figured out the new computer system and cursed, and talked about your tests and you in front of you. . . all while you are feeling weaker by the minute. . . It took us another hour and a half just to get blood drawn (2 sticks) and an xray. . . We drove the several miles back to the pharmacy to finally pick up the antibiotic ordered by one doc and approved by another. . . We may not have all the lab results back until tomorrow at this point. but they went ahead and ordered meds to treat as if pneumonia. Just to keep things interesting I already had scheduled an appointment with yet another doctor tomorrow (cardiologist check in)!
So Now. . I'm home, I've taken the antibiotic, the coughmeds, the pain pills, and all sorts of other things, the PJs are waiting and I've got some resting to do. We'll update when we know more.
Here's my hope. . . I'll be resting. . . You be praying.
James 5:16
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Field Trips
As I write this on Friday morning. . its my first day Home Alone! While I couldnt be more excited. . it also feels a bit strange. This has been a week full of new, but very small, ventures. On Wednesday morning we took our walk and then a short drive to Bob Evans for a great breakfast of wonderful protein of course! We went to another store to check out some heart rate monitors - ( i know I know - we live on the edge!) I start out the days so strong but after about 2 hours I was asking about the time because I just felt wiped out. We returned home and only a few minutes seated found my sleeping sound. It had already been a BIG day for the patient!
Getting in the car is quite the process. . .my husbands truck requires a stool as I'm not allowed to use my hands or arms to pull or push myself. I have opted for the wonderful Heart pillow from Ikea. . . .Not only does it provide the coughing, sneezing, moving support I need but it also has great arms
and real-sized hands to hug people who visit. The Pillow must be between my chest and the seat belt for quite some time.
Each morning when I wake I feel a bit more encouraged as the pain in the sternum is just a bit less. . . By Wednesday I had developed a "new Pain" that was a bit concerning. Just right of the incision I experienced very sharp, deep pain with every deep breath. Wednesday night was another sleepless night. .. no position or drug could bring relief. Thursdays big adventure was my prescheduled appointment with the Surgeon. After establishing that the sternum was still wired securely he went on to explain how many things were cut, and spread, and shifted - all for the work of repairing the heart. This particular pain comes from muscle spasms and healing of the major pectoral muscles which , like many other things were cut and reattached during the process of surgery. As I heal and am able to stand straighter and take deeper breaths different muscles will be used again for the first time. . . Turns out he was able to map out a whole journey of pains yet to come in this healing process....Healing of the heart requires pain and healing in the whole body! - (that will preach!)
Because the new valve is mechanical I will be on anticoagulation therapy the rest of my life. We're still working on correct dosages to maintain therapeutic levels. After 90 days we can apply for insurance approval of a home test kit- this is something I deeply hope for. One weekly fingerstick at home is so much better than a needle stick blood draw at the lab every week. There are about 5 pills that I take daily that will discontinue in one week! - all signs of progress! I couldnt be more pleased with the healing of the incision - its about 10 inches long down the center of my chest but was "glued" together not stitched or stapled or duct taped. We've been walking 2 x daily - i've worked up to 1/2 mile each time so one mile every day. Dr. Cook called me an overachiever - so probably wont have to go through a cardiac rehab program. (I'm still wondering if that was an insult or compliment!). I check in with my cardiologist next week for more recovery stuff! Now - the walks are not sprints by any means. The weather this week has made it very challenging to find the right time. . .heat is not good - and i'm not to be out when its over 80 - yesterday reached 93 - and eliminated an evening walk.
The surgeon explained to me in greater detail with diagrams the amazing work of this dacron graft that secured the aneurysm and attaches to the new valve. An "average" aortic root is 2 cm . . when the aneurysm was discovered mine measured 4.9 - we were able to keep that stable for more than 5 years! When i went into surgery the root measured near 6 cm and was in rupture range. Because I am adopted and have no medical history - there are several theories and possible reasons as to the "why" . . but none that can really be substantiated. Typically these conditions occur genetically - sometimes involving a larger connective tissue disorder. - sometimes involving larger "syndromes". We've been advised to complete full cardiac workups on each of our kids - and told that I will continue to be monitored annually for any new signs of weakening.
BUT for now I have a new heart! A bionic valve that thrills me with the sound and feel of strong beats through my chest! I have a tightly wrapped 2 cm aortic root! From the moment of knowing of the surgery my goal has been to return to preaching at the wonderful Waynesville UMC the first Sunday of September. "Thats only a month after surgery!" states the surgeon. . "Yes, which is why we better get movin!" states the patient. This is a day that is the culmination of much dreaming, visioning, and planning - as new worship times, styles, etc begin. I wont be "lifting" until mid october, Driving is yet to be determined, I certainly wont be back full speed but am so looking forward to our celebration of God's goodness that sunday around a table of grace on September 7. . (my pillow will be doing lots of hugging!)
Today I have prayers to pray, notes to write, books to read and wonderful DVD's to enjoy. Thank you ever seems inadequate in response to the many gifts of encouragment, grace, and love. . . the food!, the cleaning, the notes, the pictures! - My heart is overwhelmed and humbled beyond words!
Before you sign off.. .take just a moment, press your hand against your chest, and just listen! - feel the miracle of the blood moving through your body! Be amazed! and be in AWE! of this Gift of Life - Each beat is a gift - may the beat of your heart, guide the rhythm of your day, and may every breath be offered as gift to the Giver of Life. - - - May every beat, every breath, every step be an offering of thanksgiving to the ONE THAT LOVES you so.
Getting in the car is quite the process. . .my husbands truck requires a stool as I'm not allowed to use my hands or arms to pull or push myself. I have opted for the wonderful Heart pillow from Ikea. . . .Not only does it provide the coughing, sneezing, moving support I need but it also has great arms
Each morning when I wake I feel a bit more encouraged as the pain in the sternum is just a bit less. . . By Wednesday I had developed a "new Pain" that was a bit concerning. Just right of the incision I experienced very sharp, deep pain with every deep breath. Wednesday night was another sleepless night. .. no position or drug could bring relief. Thursdays big adventure was my prescheduled appointment with the Surgeon. After establishing that the sternum was still wired securely he went on to explain how many things were cut, and spread, and shifted - all for the work of repairing the heart. This particular pain comes from muscle spasms and healing of the major pectoral muscles which , like many other things were cut and reattached during the process of surgery. As I heal and am able to stand straighter and take deeper breaths different muscles will be used again for the first time. . . Turns out he was able to map out a whole journey of pains yet to come in this healing process....Healing of the heart requires pain and healing in the whole body! - (that will preach!)
Because the new valve is mechanical I will be on anticoagulation therapy the rest of my life. We're still working on correct dosages to maintain therapeutic levels. After 90 days we can apply for insurance approval of a home test kit- this is something I deeply hope for. One weekly fingerstick at home is so much better than a needle stick blood draw at the lab every week. There are about 5 pills that I take daily that will discontinue in one week! - all signs of progress! I couldnt be more pleased with the healing of the incision - its about 10 inches long down the center of my chest but was "glued" together not stitched or stapled or duct taped. We've been walking 2 x daily - i've worked up to 1/2 mile each time so one mile every day. Dr. Cook called me an overachiever - so probably wont have to go through a cardiac rehab program. (I'm still wondering if that was an insult or compliment!). I check in with my cardiologist next week for more recovery stuff! Now - the walks are not sprints by any means. The weather this week has made it very challenging to find the right time. . .heat is not good - and i'm not to be out when its over 80 - yesterday reached 93 - and eliminated an evening walk.
The surgeon explained to me in greater detail with diagrams the amazing work of this dacron graft that secured the aneurysm and attaches to the new valve. An "average" aortic root is 2 cm . . when the aneurysm was discovered mine measured 4.9 - we were able to keep that stable for more than 5 years! When i went into surgery the root measured near 6 cm and was in rupture range. Because I am adopted and have no medical history - there are several theories and possible reasons as to the "why" . . but none that can really be substantiated. Typically these conditions occur genetically - sometimes involving a larger connective tissue disorder. - sometimes involving larger "syndromes". We've been advised to complete full cardiac workups on each of our kids - and told that I will continue to be monitored annually for any new signs of weakening.
BUT for now I have a new heart! A bionic valve that thrills me with the sound and feel of strong beats through my chest! I have a tightly wrapped 2 cm aortic root! From the moment of knowing of the surgery my goal has been to return to preaching at the wonderful Waynesville UMC the first Sunday of September. "Thats only a month after surgery!" states the surgeon. . "Yes, which is why we better get movin!" states the patient. This is a day that is the culmination of much dreaming, visioning, and planning - as new worship times, styles, etc begin. I wont be "lifting" until mid october, Driving is yet to be determined, I certainly wont be back full speed but am so looking forward to our celebration of God's goodness that sunday around a table of grace on September 7. . (my pillow will be doing lots of hugging!)
Today I have prayers to pray, notes to write, books to read and wonderful DVD's to enjoy. Thank you ever seems inadequate in response to the many gifts of encouragment, grace, and love. . . the food!, the cleaning, the notes, the pictures! - My heart is overwhelmed and humbled beyond words!
Before you sign off.. .take just a moment, press your hand against your chest, and just listen! - feel the miracle of the blood moving through your body! Be amazed! and be in AWE! of this Gift of Life - Each beat is a gift - may the beat of your heart, guide the rhythm of your day, and may every breath be offered as gift to the Giver of Life. - - - May every beat, every breath, every step be an offering of thanksgiving to the ONE THAT LOVES you so.
No wonder my heart is glad, and my tongue shouts his praises! My body rests in hope. Acts 2:26
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday Night Heart Beats
You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. Luke 10:27
I've considered most recently the appropriateness of these words for these moments. Truly the call to every breath we offer throughout our life - but also a very accurate picture of these days of recovery.
MY HEART: Maybe not the heart indicated by scripture but the Heart update is this: All is well. All vital signs continue to remind us each day that there has been an amazing physical work of healing done. Blood pressure is in normal range - which alone is so energizing. temp / heart rate / fluid loss - all good. The scars are healing nicely. I have some stitches that will be removed when I see the surgeon again next week. The greatest pain of course is and will continue to be in the sternum / breast bone that has been wired back together. . . coughs and sneezes and sudden moves are so painful. Even in small things such as pushing the soap pump causes pressure in the chest. The healing of this bone to full fusion can take 6 - 8 weeks.
Healing God, This heart is fragile, and a bit patched up. Its not the typical heart, and doesnt fully resemble the one that you created. . . but oh God it is so eager. This patched up heart dreams of things that the former heart could never consider. . . this whole heart Loves you and knows that every beat is a gift from you.
My SOUL: Some have told me that as difficult as the "being still" may be that this time has all the potential of a rich transforming work in the soul. My soul swells in ways that words can not articulate. I sit and consider such things as close calls, and lost energy, human limitations, so many things - ALL through this filter of God's Love and Grace. and my soul leaps, I weep. I will ever be amazed at the beauty of the Body of Christ. . . I ache at times in the discomfort of such unfamiliar roles of dependency. I am filled with gratitude for those I share this journey of faith with and am so anxious to see. . . My soul has been soothed and strengthened by cards, notes, calls, flowers, food, handmade prayers (as pictured above) in many forms. There have been crayon drawings of children, and the shaky penmanship of the dear praying saints. I hear stories of great faith being lived out in the place that calls me pastor and I am thrilled beyond words. I will sit here while I must, I am not resenting this time - in fact embracing such holy moments and the ever clear voice of God.
Transforming God, This soul has been weary, this soul knows sadness and discouragement, and recently fear. This soul feels awkwardness at its current place of constantly receiving. . But this Soul Loves You, Oh how this soul loves you. . . .and yearns for all that you will send its way.
MY STRENGTH: Each day I feel stronger. I am doing breathing exercises and walking 3 - 4 times daily . Todays goal was 3 - 6 minute walks. We have a 4 week chart that increases endurance each day. I dont have a treadmill so we do some rough estimates. Mostly i've been walking laps around the back yard. Yesterday each walk was 3 laps. and today 4 laps. Walking is great time for praying. At the far back right corner of the yard is a fire pit. . . each time I turn that corner I remember the time earlier this summer with the UM Interns and the feelings of joy and hope as they shared their hearts and dreams around the camp fire. I pray for them and the ministries they live, I pray for the Church. I pray for my family and the memories made in this place. I pray for our friends that have so blessed our lives. . . I see tomato plants, and baby watermelons. . and I pray for the hungry. . . with each prayer and each step.. my heart beats stronger. Food that tastes good and Sleep longer than 3 hours are still areas to tackle but each day my strength is renewed. . and each day is better.
Restoring God, This body feels weak, simple things seem difficult. This body is battered, and bruised, stitched together, and slow, weak, and sometimes in pain.. . .But every pore in its being loves you, this body knows of the gift of your healing.
MY MIND: I've been surprised by my shorter attention span, yearning for quite more than movies and TV. My soul will not allow my mind to tackle or even consider the stack of books related to "church work" or begin to send and respond to emails regarding fall programmng, planning, schedules, etc. Soon enough mind, soon enough! (you havent been home a week remember!) My soul has convinced my mind of the value and gift of this time. My mind is thinking about so much. . like what to write on websites. My mind is so busy considering how it is that this soul, this heart, and strength are so interconnected and intertwined. This mind is moving in ways like never before. . it is a fertile time for the thinking type - so much to ponder.
All Knowing God - This mind is spinning with possibility. Sometimes I want to have everything figured out. So often I want to know exactly what your up to! I want to understand why and how things happened as they did. But the more I know of You, the more I know there is more that I want to know! This Mind seeks understanding and wisdom and loves you more deeply with each thought.
God of Grace - thank you for the one that reads this and travels with us in prayer and thought and love - your gifts of grace to us embodied - as friends. - -- there is none more rich.PEACE TO YOU AND YOURS
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
3 Days Home
Lots of things to share for the sake of update:
Heart update: Home Health Nurses come twice weekly. there are blood levels to monitor, and lots of things to check on. Monday was very encouraging. My blood pressure reached "normal range" for the first time in probably 6 years. Since the discovery of the aortic aneurysm the strategy has been to keep my BP very low so to not overstress the heart. It was an amazing reality to feel "normal". HOWEVER, My heart got so excited with normal, that it just kept going up and up and up. So by early Wednesday morning my BP was way way too high, Tuesday night was a very difficult and restless night, the increased BP caused excruciating headaches that ice packs nor pain pills could ease. The home care nurse was here again today and with one quick call to the surgeon, and one swallow of one pill (one of the ones i've been on for years) the BP is dropping back down to Normal. . and I already feel better.
BABY BABY I still must have 24/7 supervision (Grrrr) . . Dan had to run an errand and so we had to find a "babysitter". . . I woke up from a deep solid rest to find my babysitter nestled up with a book. What food for the soul was the conversation and soul connections of my dear friend. She even stayed through the evening and we found ourselves at the table around a Bible sharing with great enthusiasm the amazing things we continually discover about the ONE that loves us so.
I'm certain that Dan enjoyed the break. A football friend stopped by yesterday and he was like a "boy with a toy" as they spoke the language of the gridiron.
MEAT & GREET I dont know that food is tasting any different or better - but I am discovering more things that I like. So many of the things that I liked before the surgery just taste yucky. . . some say this is temporary. . but it would be ok if its not. . The body is amazing in the ways it craves what you need. . . I'm told i need 3x my normal protein consumption for good healing. . And the things that taste the most wonderful to me are such things - eggs, MEAT, some cheese. - - with apologies to all my vegetarian friends - I confess that I AM A SHAMELESS CARNIVORE.
OLYMPIC HEART RECOVERY EVENTS: The olympics have been a timely metaphor for these days at home. We have goals and records. today my main event is 4 - 4 minute walks! I can be outside for this thrilling track and field event if its under 80 degrees. The evenings have been nice for a yard lap. Other events we are competing in: The meds, The vitals, the shower!, the surgery sock medley, the breathing exercise, the diuretic dash, the pillow tucking relay and others.
Well truly our eyes are on the prize. . my "heart" swells to consider and even get a small glimpse of full recovery.
Your prayers, and cards, and comments, and emails, continue to surround and support us. MY HEART thanks God for YOUR HEART.
With deep love and gratitude, Tammy Jo
Heart update: Home Health Nurses come twice weekly. there are blood levels to monitor, and lots of things to check on. Monday was very encouraging. My blood pressure reached "normal range" for the first time in probably 6 years. Since the discovery of the aortic aneurysm the strategy has been to keep my BP very low so to not overstress the heart. It was an amazing reality to feel "normal". HOWEVER, My heart got so excited with normal, that it just kept going up and up and up. So by early Wednesday morning my BP was way way too high, Tuesday night was a very difficult and restless night, the increased BP caused excruciating headaches that ice packs nor pain pills could ease. The home care nurse was here again today and with one quick call to the surgeon, and one swallow of one pill (one of the ones i've been on for years) the BP is dropping back down to Normal. . and I already feel better.
BABY BABY I still must have 24/7 supervision (Grrrr) . . Dan had to run an errand and so we had to find a "babysitter". . . I woke up from a deep solid rest to find my babysitter nestled up with a book. What food for the soul was the conversation and soul connections of my dear friend. She even stayed through the evening and we found ourselves at the table around a Bible sharing with great enthusiasm the amazing things we continually discover about the ONE that loves us so.
I'm certain that Dan enjoyed the break. A football friend stopped by yesterday and he was like a "boy with a toy" as they spoke the language of the gridiron.
MEAT & GREET I dont know that food is tasting any different or better - but I am discovering more things that I like. So many of the things that I liked before the surgery just taste yucky. . . some say this is temporary. . but it would be ok if its not. . The body is amazing in the ways it craves what you need. . . I'm told i need 3x my normal protein consumption for good healing. . And the things that taste the most wonderful to me are such things - eggs, MEAT, some cheese. - - with apologies to all my vegetarian friends - I confess that I AM A SHAMELESS CARNIVORE.
OLYMPIC HEART RECOVERY EVENTS: The olympics have been a timely metaphor for these days at home. We have goals and records. today my main event is 4 - 4 minute walks! I can be outside for this thrilling track and field event if its under 80 degrees. The evenings have been nice for a yard lap. Other events we are competing in: The meds, The vitals, the shower!, the surgery sock medley, the breathing exercise, the diuretic dash, the pillow tucking relay and others.
Well truly our eyes are on the prize. . my "heart" swells to consider and even get a small glimpse of full recovery.
1 Corinthians 9:25:
25 All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize.
Your prayers, and cards, and comments, and emails, continue to surround and support us. MY HEART thanks God for YOUR HEART.
With deep love and gratitude, Tammy Jo
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Heart to Home
Hello Friends: I busted out of the hospital this afternoon and am now conquering recovery at home.
I was overcome really quickly with the fact that going home doesnt mean returning to full life and activity. I am still a patient. . just with a much more comfortable view (and better TV). I will share in full vulnerability that the limitations at this point are emotionally more difficult than anything. Today was a good day for probably a long past due cry.
Trying to get all the drugs organized alone was like that Online Jewelquest game - lots of colors and shapes.
We will begin to ask for what you have offered: grocery runs - little things that just come to mind that seem to make all that live here sighing with the on going " I didnt even think of that" response. we all feel a bit of sadness.. My supervision is still 24/7 for 7 full days. I'm certain that everyone that lives here must feel some sadness because this event alters all of our lives.
The email and cell phone will remain on "away". I will embrace this time as sabbath for body, mind, and spirit. Thank you for understanding and receiving our need for on going privacy and healing . . . I know that soon I will be up to deeper conversation and interaction. .. This introvert however, will probably have to do a lot of "processing" and God Talk in the days to come. Oh God what will you yet do? Anticipation fills me with such great hope.
You must know that your words here, your cards and notes have been healing balm, moments of smiles, and have encouraged my heart deeply.
I am so grateful to God for the Gift of YOU!
I was overcome really quickly with the fact that going home doesnt mean returning to full life and activity. I am still a patient. . just with a much more comfortable view (and better TV). I will share in full vulnerability that the limitations at this point are emotionally more difficult than anything. Today was a good day for probably a long past due cry.
Trying to get all the drugs organized alone was like that Online Jewelquest game - lots of colors and shapes.
We will begin to ask for what you have offered: grocery runs - little things that just come to mind that seem to make all that live here sighing with the on going " I didnt even think of that" response. we all feel a bit of sadness.. My supervision is still 24/7 for 7 full days. I'm certain that everyone that lives here must feel some sadness because this event alters all of our lives.
The email and cell phone will remain on "away". I will embrace this time as sabbath for body, mind, and spirit. Thank you for understanding and receiving our need for on going privacy and healing . . . I know that soon I will be up to deeper conversation and interaction. .. This introvert however, will probably have to do a lot of "processing" and God Talk in the days to come. Oh God what will you yet do? Anticipation fills me with such great hope.
Psalm 130:5
I am counting on the Lord;yes, I am counting on him.I have put my hope in his word.
You must know that your words here, your cards and notes have been healing balm, moments of smiles, and have encouraged my heart deeply.
I am so grateful to God for the Gift of YOU!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Live from the Front
Hey. . .Its Tammy Jo. . . Friends (who make me laugh too much) came to the hospital to give Dan some coverage and to swap heart stories. .. . and hooked up a wi fi hook up. First I'm amazed. . and overcome by your prayers. .I KNOW THEM AND FEEL THEM. today has been a good day. The 2 units of blood made so much difference. Moving better, need to still do some lung work, done some laps. Food is challenging. . things just taste "blah". Last night was spent trecking from bed , chair, bathroom - we dropped 7 lbs in "retained" water. - woo hoo. .heres some things that need to click: clear lungs,ability to eat, maintain good oxygen, and a couple techy things. Not sure if this will be Sunday or Monday. .but i'm looking forward to continued recovery in a place I love. I've watched a lot of olympics. . I had no idea badminton was an olympic sport. . . But its on the list of new possibilities. . .I am soooo up to date on the news. . .. I am definitely not even going to tackle email but will use this space to say "how great is the love that God has lavished upon us that we should be called the children of God. . " I'm so glad we're family. . . .
Strength of Heart
I talked with Tammy Jo and she is stronger today. She just needs the oxygen level to come up. Her goal today is to do more walking and coughing to remove a small amount of fluid in her lungs. The transfusions did their job now she has to do hers. Heart patients walking in the hall should be an olympic event!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Heart Mending
The word from Dan is that Tammy Jo's energy level dropped yesterday and her blood pressure was running low. The doctors have given her 2 units of blood and are confident that this approach will bring her back up to speed.
Tammy Jo is grateful for your prayers and continues to draw encouragement from the knowledge that you are a praying people.
Tammy Jo is grateful for your prayers and continues to draw encouragement from the knowledge that you are a praying people.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
WORD of my Heart
Psalm 86:
11 Teach me your ways, O Lord ,
that I may live according to your truth!
Grant me purity of heart,
so that I may honor you.
12 With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God.
I will give glory to your name forever,
13 for your love for me is very great.
You have rescued me from the depths of death
11 Teach me your ways, O L
that I may live according to your truth!
Grant me purity of heart,
so that I may honor you.
12 With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God.
I will give glory to your name forever,
13 for your love for me is very great.
You have rescued me from the depths of death
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
She Walks and Talks
Dan will update further this evening. Word from him this afternoon is that she's doing great. She's sitting up and walking. She's not blogging yet but had preposted scripture to appear during her recovery.... always a step ahead of the rest of us. Thank you for allowing the space for a quiet recovery with immediate family. You know Tammy Jo will not let it stay quiet for long! Please post comments here - I'm sure she'll be reading them as soon as she can and they will be precious to her since she will have them here forever on this blog.
Pieces of my Heart
Psalm 18:20 (the message)
God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start. Now I'm alert to God's ways; I don't take God for granted. Every day I review the ways he works; I try not to miss a trick. I feel put back together, and I'm watching my step. God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.
God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him. When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start. Now I'm alert to God's ways; I don't take God for granted. Every day I review the ways he works; I try not to miss a trick. I feel put back together, and I'm watching my step. God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Late Tuesday Night
Just got off the phone with the nurse; Tammy is now off the ventilator and resting.
Look for more updates in early AM.
Thanks again for all the prayers, all of you.
Look for more updates in early AM.
Thanks again for all the prayers, all of you.
On To Recovery
We met with Dr. Cook at approx. 6:00 P.M. , he gave us the good news we'd all been prayin for, Aortic root repair all done , new valve in place, no complications. I got to see her at approx. 7:00 P.M., and she looks great, all vitals and indications are good. They are in the process of letting her wake up , then they will remove the ventilator. I plan to be back there in the early A.M. Thanx again to all of you for all the support you give, your thoughts, prayers, and all you do. Dan
Warming Up
We were just updated that they are warming her up and she's coming off the bypass. That mechanical valve must be clicking away! Now her heart will finally find out what normal circulation is all about.
Taking it Easy
The bypass machine is doing the work for her now and we won't hear from the doctor for another couple hours. We'll keep you posted
At Last
After waiting since 5 a.m. Tammy Jo went into surgery at 12:20. Fortunately she was able to sleep while she waited. Now Dan is a different story and is in for a day longer than he had already imagined. The surgery will take from 4 to 6 hours so she will be coming out of surgery sometime in the evening. Please wait and visit later when she is home and is ready to share all the hospital stories with you. Dan also requests prayer for the family because they may have more difficulty keeping up with her when her energy gets back to normal. Thank you for your support for the entire Reiser family.
I scheduled this post to appear at the time of the surgery. Hear my HEART Lord, as I cry out to YOU, Hear my prayer Lord and carry me through.
Change in Surgery Time
There has been a surgery schedule mix-up and the surgery will begin at 10 a.m instead of 7 a.m. Yes, instead of being there at 5 as they were told, they needed to be there at 8. Tammy Jo is prepped and ready to go and now she waits.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Tammy Jo Signing off now. . . Email "Away message" set, cell phone off. . . .
Friends & Family will be posting here until I am able to do so myself. Thank you for reading and sharing this journey with us. . . your prayers and support over the last week has been overwhelming. . we are so aware of God's Grace and goodness.
We report to the hospital at 5am. . (meaning that I will probably just stay up all night! and am definitely just wearing my Jammies . . doesnt make much sense to get dressed up!)
Surgery is scheduled to begin at 7a.m. and we're told that Dr. Cook is NEVER late. Surgery is estimated to last 6 - 7 hours. Please pray for Dr. Cook, and pray for my family. . . certainly tomorrow will be a long and difficult day. I have the easy part.
Peace this night to you and yours.
Friends & Family will be posting here until I am able to do so myself. Thank you for reading and sharing this journey with us. . . your prayers and support over the last week has been overwhelming. . we are so aware of God's Grace and goodness.
We report to the hospital at 5am. . (meaning that I will probably just stay up all night! and am definitely just wearing my Jammies . . doesnt make much sense to get dressed up!)
Surgery is scheduled to begin at 7a.m. and we're told that Dr. Cook is NEVER late. Surgery is estimated to last 6 - 7 hours. Please pray for Dr. Cook, and pray for my family. . . certainly tomorrow will be a long and difficult day. I have the easy part.
Peace this night to you and yours.
Almost Ready !
Monday was full of the work required for a person to show up at the hospital for Open Heart surgery.
Lots of Blood work, lab tests, EKG, XRays, Ultrasounds, Doppler, Vital signs, Mtg with Anesthesiologist, and lots of instructions for tonight and tomorrow.
Temp was great, Blood pressure very low. 85/42. I've had a cough that the anesthesiologist did not like. . But it only happens when I try to get a deep breath. . Hopefully not an obstacle.
There is some type of disinfecting scrub that i must scrub the surgery site, arms, and legs with and also shampoo my hair with Lather, Rinse, and Repeat it all again. . Who Knew!!?!?!
The fatique has been overwhelming. . . makes the resolve stronger! I am eager to get this behind me and make steps (and leaps) towards full health!
I was blessed to have lunch today at the hospital with one of my favorite chaplains. . . . Miss L promised to make sure that the waiting room clan is taken care of. She knows so well the tasks of CVU recovery and was really helpful. . . the nurse had asked me if I was going to be in need of Spiritual Care while I was there. . . I actually chuckled. . Uh know, I'm good, thanks. . I think we've got that covered. "Really?" Uh yea, I cant imagine anyone more prayed over than this girl!
Sooo, trying to get some stuff done at home this evening so that the house is ready for a heart surgery patient to walk back in.
Thank you again for all the undergirding and covering. God is Good!
Lots of Blood work, lab tests, EKG, XRays, Ultrasounds, Doppler, Vital signs, Mtg with Anesthesiologist, and lots of instructions for tonight and tomorrow.
Temp was great, Blood pressure very low. 85/42. I've had a cough that the anesthesiologist did not like. . But it only happens when I try to get a deep breath. . Hopefully not an obstacle.
There is some type of disinfecting scrub that i must scrub the surgery site, arms, and legs with and also shampoo my hair with Lather, Rinse, and Repeat it all again. . Who Knew!!?!?!
The fatique has been overwhelming. . . makes the resolve stronger! I am eager to get this behind me and make steps (and leaps) towards full health!
I was blessed to have lunch today at the hospital with one of my favorite chaplains. . . . Miss L promised to make sure that the waiting room clan is taken care of. She knows so well the tasks of CVU recovery and was really helpful. . . the nurse had asked me if I was going to be in need of Spiritual Care while I was there. . . I actually chuckled. . Uh know, I'm good, thanks. . I think we've got that covered. "Really?" Uh yea, I cant imagine anyone more prayed over than this girl!
Sooo, trying to get some stuff done at home this evening so that the house is ready for a heart surgery patient to walk back in.
Thank you again for all the undergirding and covering. God is Good!
Loyal and Kind Heart
Proverbs 3:3
Never let loyalty and kindness leave you!Tie them around your neck as a reminder.Write them deep within your heart.
Never let loyalty and kindness leave you!Tie them around your neck as a reminder.Write them deep within your heart.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Hi all! Just doing a quick "testing" post. I'll be manning the virtual fort while Mom is unable to get to her computer (probably the hardest part of this whole thing for her ;) ). I'll be updating it frequently with her status, which I promise will be more in depth than the usual Facebook status update. Thank you all in advance for your prayers for her and kindness to our entire family during this time.
Peace and Love,
Amy Beth / Ames/ Tammy Jo's Eldest
Peace and Love,
Amy Beth / Ames/ Tammy Jo's Eldest
Burning Heart
What a day! In a 24 hour span I will serve communion to the Emmaus Guys, Be part of the sharing of this sacred meal at Beth and Steve's wedding, feast at the table as we share our love with Linda, then bless this offering of grace to the People of the Waynesville United Methodist Church x2. I will NEVER get over the awe and wonder of it all.
Luke 24:32
They said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?”
He was known to them in the breaking of the bread.
Luke 24:32
They said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?”
He was known to them in the breaking of the bread.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
WORD of my Heart
Psalm 57
7 My heart is confident in you, O God;
my heart is confident.
No wonder I can sing your praises!
8 Wake up, my heart!
Wake up, O lyre and harp!
I will wake the dawn with my song.
9 I will thank you, Lord, among all the people.
I will sing your praises among the nations.
10 For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens.
Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. 11 Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens.
May your glory shine over all the earth.
7 My heart is confident in you, O God;
my heart is confident.
No wonder I can sing your praises!
8 Wake up, my heart!
Wake up, O lyre and harp!
I will wake the dawn with my song.
9 I will thank you, Lord, among all the people.
I will sing your praises among the nations.
10 For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens.
Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. 11 Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens.
May your glory shine over all the earth.
Friday, August 1, 2008
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